I had been many times witness of a fight between my father and computer, sometimes it even looked like my father was trying to make a deal with my PC just for a few minutes of cooperation. But I have to admit that my father and also mother are those skilled ones in the work with computers. Though there are still people who are afraid of any kind of technology and they not even can't work with it, but they even don't want to. Many youngsters find it good because they finally have their own turf where it's them who are on the horseback. Kids have their best friends in technology, computers and Internet. These things help them with school, because still more and more information can be found on the web, they entertain them by playing lot of virtual games, downloading movies and music, enable them to communicate with friends and also family when they are not at home but also in some cases enable them to exclude adults from their own world especially when they are not able to communicate with them. Positive is, these days the second wave of technology knowledge is coming. Adults are not only trained in the companies they work for, but there is also higher attention from their side to understand how these machines work and how can be useful for them. I think this interest is connected with fact that life of kids is more connected to internet and technology than to their parents. This fact leads adults to realize that if they want to be closer to their own children and want to understand them, they have to know how to work with computers and use other devices such as mobile phones and so on. However reaction of the youngsters was opposite & they think it is "creepy" when they are talking with friends through MySpace or FaceBook and their parents suddenly appear there too. Kids just don't want their parents to see what they are talking about with friends, what videos they look on YouTube or for which pictures they have on their profiles. After all for the younger kids it is not cool to have mom or dad among their virtual friends. But kids couldn't see probably the most important and major reason of their parent's interest in technology & danger. Although most of youngsters will never accept the fact that Internet is not private social network they know it. Nevertheless most of them are too careless to realize real danger of it. That's why is the knowledge of using it and real using of technology the best way how to protect our children.
By Barbora Misakova; edited by Iveta Nagyova
These news are brought to you by SmartPR, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. SmartPR.tv is advanced level training for the experienced PR professionals. Throughout this training, the PR practitioners will learn how to plan and run a PR campaign that really turns into column inches, to understand how journalists work and what they need, to produce press releases that get used, to know the golden rules for handling a PR crisis, to give successfully exploit of Radio and TV opportunities, how to use the Internet for effective PR and Web Marketing, and how to get recognition that the organization needs. This special training is designed to teach the secrets that Public Relations professionals used in order to get exposure in press, radio and TV. Christopher M. Cantell (the founder and CEO) has a track record of developing and bring world-class advanced technologies to the market, creating sustainable and profitable businesses and providing significant return on investment for the shareholders.